Enabling a fair financial market. For everyone

Our vision is to broaden the meaning of the market's expectations and create a clearer picture of expectations for all listed companies - with or without analytical monitoring.


About us - Pinpoint Estimates

We compile financial estimates (expectations) for listed companies and offer a clear picture of the market's expectations. Here, forecasts from all types of investors are gathered and based on these we create a weighted consensus, we call it the Pinpoint consensus, for companies' quarterly and full-year reports. The more skilled an investor is, the more his forecast is weighted in the consensus. All types of investors get easy access to the estimates completely free of charge based on the principle: leave estimates to see.



Listed companies in Sweden and Norway


Paying for surveillance


Covered by multiple analysts


Missing coverage


People are collectively smarter than individual experts when it comes to problem-solving, decision making, and predicting.

- James Surowiecki

Author of The wisdom of crowds



Companies on the platform


Investors on the platform


Pinpoint in media

Our data is mentioned by, among others, Nyhetsbyrån Direkt, Dagens Industri, Aktiellt and Börskollen, but of course also by talented investors on #finanstwitter, in podcasts such as Kvalitetsaktiepodden and other forums.

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Oscar Matheson

User Manager



Alexander Karlsson

Community Manager



Frederik van Hooft

Sales Manager



Mattias Heurlin




John Engholm

Platform Sales


Board of Directors


Eva Trouin

Board member


Eva Trouin is an economist at heart and has previously worked as Head of Sweden at Nordnet Bank, Head of Private Markets and Head of Customer Experience at Swedbank.

Eva is currently CEO at Moank Fintech Group and board member at Feminvest.


John Engholm

Chairman of the board


John is a lawyer and entrepreneur and has founded several legal-tech companies such as InsiderLog, and Poströsta.se. He has also worked as general counsel at Serendipity.

John is today a partner at Blq Invest.


Urban Ekelund

Cofounder and board member


Urban has a background as a journalist and economist. He has extensive experience in the financial industry and is a co-founder of the analysis house Redeye.

For several years now, he has been a partner and advisor in financial communications at the IR agency Vero.


Johanna Schottenius

Board member


Johanna has a degree in economics and specializes in financial management with a background as a management consultant. Johanna has held various positions in retail, with a focus on business and strategy development, sustainability and leadership at IKEA.

Today Johanna is CEO of Schottenius & Partners and sits on several company boards such as Björn Borg, Travel Support, Vertiseit , Whistlelink, Parweb and Videquus.


Patrik Fransson

Board member


Patrik har en MBA från Handelshögskolan i Stockholm och en gedigen bakgrund inom IT-sektorn. Han har tidigare arbetat i en rad olika roller inom IT-sektorn och har lång erfarenhet kring hur man driver och utvecklar framgångsrika mjukvarubolag.

Patrik arbetar sedan 13 år tillbaka som IR-chef på börsnoterade Vitec Software Group.

For Companies

The majority of listed companies today are challenged to reach out with their messages to the market. This means that the market does not always see what the companies see, despite the companies' attempts to reach out. Expectations are hard to come by for the market. In addition, usually only a certain type of estimate is available, for example the quarterly estimate is rare to find.

More and more listed companies see the value in creating increased transparency regarding expectations towards the market. The companies that are our customers want to learn more about market expectations and follow them in real time on our unique company platform.

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Investors, companies and partners

Lack of clear expectations about how things will go for the company going forward creates challenges in the form of poorer guidance and increased uncertainty about the company's valuation. Today, it takes a lot of time and effort to form an idea of what the market expects a company to report for financial figures. With crowdsourcing as a tool, we work together with investors, companies and partners to create a more accessible, transparent and representative picture of the market's expectations.

Welcome to your go-to place for market expectations!

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